会议征稿| “什么是数字时代的劳动?” 数字劳动国际研讨会 (ICDL) 2019年大夏传播国际论坛暨批判传播学年会



“什么是数字时代的劳动?”数字劳动国际研讨会 (ICDL)









论文摘要字数限300字内(不包括标题和参考文献),提交文件中须写明联系方式和每位作者的个人简介(不超过80字)。投稿须word (.doc, .docx)格式以附件方式提交到icdl2019@aliyun.com 征稿截止日期为2019年8月15日。






“What Is Labor in the Digital Age?”

InternationalConference on Digital Labor (ICDL)

October 25-27, 2019,Shanghai, China

Submission Deadline:August 15, 2019

Organizer: East ChinaNormal University

The Chinese Association for History of Journalismand Mass Communication


We invite submissions to the conference “What Is Labor in the DigitalAge”: International Conference on Digital Labor (ICDL).  The conference, organized by the School ofCommunication of East China Normal University (ECNU) in conjunction with the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication(CAHJMC), will take place on October 25, 26, and 27 at ECNU in Shanghai,China.

Scholars have noted that oftentimesdigital labor goes unrecognized and unrewarded, but what is digital laboranyway? The coming of the digital age has dramatically changed capitalist modesof production and the way how labor works. Does digital labor indicate that thedemarcated and fixed lines between work and paly, and between production andconsumption are blurred, collapsed, and overlapped? In the news industry, what is the impact of digital technologieson the labor force? What can be learned about digital labor from China'sexperience? While the conferenceis hosted by the communication school, we would like to invite scholars from varieddisciplines including but not limited to communication, economy, sociology, politics,history, anthropology, philosophy and practitioners from media and ITindustries. Submissions shouldcontribute to ongoing conversations about digital labor in empirical,theoretical or methodological ways. Aspects of digital labor to be addressed maybe related to the following, among others: ● Definition ●Social media ● News industry ● history ●Platform-basedactivities ● Digital and platform economies ●Imperialism, neocolonialism and postcolonialism ● Regulation and publicpolicies ● Political economy of communication●Postmodernism ●Fans ● Gender, race, ethnicity, and identity. We lookforward to seeing you in Shanghai in October.


To make a submission: send an abstract of the article, with amaximum length of 300 words (excluding title and references). The documentshould also include the contact information and brief (no more than 80 words)biography of each author. Abstracts should be sent without exception as anattached file, in word format (.doc, .docx). The deadline for submission isAugust 15, 2019. Abstracts should be sent by email to icdl2019@aliyun.com

We only accept papers (no panels, posters). Accepted papers mustbe presented by at least one author. Presenters will have approximately 15minutes for their presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q & A session. Aselection committee will evaluate the abstracts and the results will benotified to the authors on September 1, 2019.


Students are encouraged topresent papers at the conference. ICDL will provide $300 international travelstipend for three (3) participating students who travel from outside mainlandChina.  If you would like to apply forthis stipend, please indicate in your email and notify the program with (1) thename of your institution and (2) degree being pursued.


For questions about submissionscontact Chunfeng Lin:  icdl2019@aliyun.com