数字化时代的生存,或毁灭? ——权力、文化与社会国际学术研讨会 To Be or Not To Be in the Age of Digital Media?: Power, Culture and Society



Time8th January, 2017


PlaceRoom403Office Building


SponsorsSchool of Communication, East China Normal University, King’s CollegeLondon



Symposium Agenda



Morning 9:00-11:30

1 开幕式

Opening Ceremony


2 论坛 = 1 /* ROMAN I 新媒体拜物教?:历史与批判

Panel = 1 /* ROMAN I How to Re-think About Media in the Digital Age?


演讲者 拉斐尔沃尔夫 伦敦大学国王学院哲学系教授

Presenter Prof. Raphael Woolf, Vice-Dean forExternal Relations, Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Professor, Department ofPhilosophy

演讲题目 古老媒体、旧媒体与新媒体

Title Media: New, Old and Ancient


演讲者 吕新雨 华东师范大学传播学院教授

Presenter Prof. Xinyu Lu, Dept. of Broadcasting,Dean of School of Communication, ECNU

演讲题目 新媒体的未来考古学

Title The Future Archeology of New Media inChina


演讲者 郁振华 华东师范大学哲学系教授

Presenter Prof. Zhenhua, YU,Department of Philosophy, ECNU

演讲题目 后真相?:一种哲学回应

Title Post-truth? A Philosophical Response


评议人 童世骏 华东师范大学哲学系教授

Discussant Prof. Shijun, Tong,Department of Philosophy, ECNU

下午 13:00-1700  


3 论坛 = 2 /* ROMAN II 数字化生存的人文反思

Panel = 2 /* ROMAN II Digital Being or Being Digital?


演讲者 裴开瑞 伦敦大学国王学院电影研究系教授

Presenter Prof. Chris Berry, Dept. of Film Studies

演讲题目 公共领域中移动的图像与屏幕:数字化时代的电影研究

Title Moving Image Screens in Public Spaces:Cinema Studies in the Digital Era


演讲者 詹妮弗派伯斯 伦敦大学国王学院数字人文系讲师

Presenter Dr. Jennifer Pybus, Lecturer, Dept.of Digital Humanities


Title Hackingthe Social Life of Big Data


演讲者 吴畅畅 华东师范大学传播学院副教授

Presenter Associate Professor. Changchang WU,Department of Journalism, School of Communication, ECNU

演讲题目 重建网络时代的文化领导权?:网络综艺与青年文化的未来

Title Re-establish the Cultural Leadershipin the Networked Era? Varieties Online and the Future of the Youth Sub/Culture


演讲者 梁穎暉 伦敦大学国王学院文化、媒体与创意产业系讲师

Presenter Dr. Leung Wing-Fai, Lecturer, Dept. Culture, Media and Creative Industries

演讲题目 自由职业的全球化:中印两国自由职业者的自我实现与企业家精神

Title Freelancing globally: Self-Realisationand Entrepreneurialism among Upworkers in China and India


演讲者 夏冰青 华东师范大学传播学院晨晖学者

Presenter Bingqing Xia, Lecturer,School of Communication,ECNU

演讲题目 互联网内容产业金融化进程中的创业者生态研究?


评议人拉斐尔沃尔夫 伦敦大学国王学院哲学系教授

Discussant Prof. Raphael Woolf, Vice-Dean forExternal Relations, Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Professor, Department ofPhilosophy


4 自由讨论
